December 30, 2008

Deadline for Mileage Entry

For any club reps who haven't seen the message on the admin screens yet, the deadline for entering mileage for the Swim Session will be midnight on January 2.

This gives everyone enough time to enter all the December miles without worrying about spilling your drink.

Happy New Year, all.

December 26, 2008

Bunnies Win! Bunnies Win!

Congratulations to the Alaska Tri Club Red Biting Bunnies, the first team to hit the Swim Session benchmark of 750 miles. The Bunnies edged out their intra-club rivals the White Wabid Wabbits and perennial nemesis the Tri Club of San Diego to take the prize in the first session, and on Christmas Day no less. Santa was definitely good to the Bunnies this year!

There are still prizes up for grabs, though, so nobody gets to phone it in now just because the Bunnies broke the tape first. There are still prizes for the most swim mileage for the session and for 2nd and 3rd spots, so don't hang up the goggles just yet, folks. It should be a wild final week!

December 20, 2008

"4th Event" Not Eligible for NCC

Just a quick note to all NCC participants in the northeast - shoveling snow does not count as a 4th event for the National Challenge Competition, so please take it easy this weekend and let's not have any snow-related back injuries that might affect your performance for the rest of the competition.

December 15, 2008

Gorillas, Bunnies and Buffalo

At the halfway mark of the Swim session, some of the usual suspects are once again in the thick of things at the top of the standings. Perennial 800 pound gorilla the Tri Club of San Diego is in the lead as of tonight with 356 swim miles, the Ford Athletic Swim & Tri Club is next with 323 miles, and the Alaska Tri Club Wabid Wabbits are in 3rd place with 295 miles.

Newcomers the Buffalo Triathlon Club have cracked the top ten, sitting just behind another returning favourite, the DC Tri Club, so the northern teams are proving that you don't need nice weather to put in the miles.

Other top tenners include the other Alaska teams (Biting Bunnies and Hammering Hares), the Hammerhead Tri Club from Jacksonville FL , the Memphis Thunder, and another new crew, the North West YMCA Tri Club from Irmo SC.

The Swim Session benchmark mileage was raised this year to 750 miles, since previous years' benchmarks were proving too easy for many clubs to reach. It's going to be close, though, unless some of the leaders can really pour on the mileage. No doubt the Alaskan crew has some crazy mass swim event planned. Let's hope it's in a pool and not out on the lake or the open ocean. A wet suit will only get you so far...

December 8, 2008

Greetings From... Iraq

And you thought Guam was exotic. Have a look at the following email we received this week:


I saw the homepage for the NCC today...Unwilling to be undone by the Air Force, I am writing to say that I am competing in the NCC from a combat zone. :-) To be more specific, I am competing in the National Challenge as an individual from just outside of Sadr City in Baghdad, Iraq. Can anyone beat that one?


Erica L. Chabalko
FOB Loyalty, Iraq

How's that for dedication? Not only is Erica stationed in what is essentially a desert, as of this writing she's winning the non-club athlete swim session! Way to go, Erica! Did we mention she's in the desert?

So now we have athletes from Alaska, Guam and Iraq. As Erica says, can anyone beat that?

December 7, 2008

What is a Widget, Anyway?

Visitors to the NCC site will by now have seen the mileage roundup thingy on the home page. It tracks mileage for each discipline (that would be your swim, your bike, and your run) plus total mileage for everyone. It also tracks the number of clubs in the competition as well as the total number of athletes, both club and non-club. Sort of (ok, exactly) like this:

If you or your club have a website, you can get this 'widget' and others for your site. What other widgets do we have? How about these:



Just go to the widgets page on the NCC site and the code is all right there for you to copy into your website or blog.

Q. Are these the same as the Widgets from Apple?
A. No. Those have a capital 'W'
Q. Kind of looks like the same thing you might see on YouTube. Is it?
A. Exactly.
Q. What about a widget that tracks mileage only for my club?
A. Great idea. One is on the way.

Greetings From Guam

USA Triathlon, Race-Tracker and the rest of the National Challenge Competition athletes would like to welcome the Tri-Andersen team from Andersen Air Force base in Guam. The Tri-Anderson club now holds the record for the team located farthest from the Lower 48, ousting previous record-holders the Alaska Tri Club. To see just how far away they really are, check the Teams page and click the Tr-Andersen link in the map. Then wait for the map to scroll... way... to... the... left. Good luck to the team, and a warning to anyone considering trash-talking them on this blog - they also hold the record for most heavily armed squad(ron) in NCC history.

December 2, 2008

A Note About Mileage

Just a quick note about entering miles for your athletes (this applies to Club Reps, who are doing all the heavy lifting for their clubmates).

If you make a mistake in your mileage entry, please correct it by entering a negative mileage amount to balance out the incorrect one. This way we have a full 'paper trail' for all entries. Each mileage entry is date & time-stamped.

Mistakes happen, and sometimes BIG numbers get entered by accident. This usually does not go unnoticed by competitors! So thanks to everyone who wrote in pointing out the latest mileage error. I'm looking at you, Tri-Fury. To everyone else, settle down, it's only Day 2 and we can expect at least a couple more of these little mistakes.

On a positive note the miles are definitely piling up. On a personal note, the NCC has inspired your host to actually get into the pool for the first time since, um, September? And I can still swim, so that's a positive.

Keep the miles coming, everyone!

Jeff M