January 26, 2009

Bike Week Bell Lap

Heading into the final week of the bike session, the Top 10 club list is dominated by some familiar faces and some newcomers.

The battle for top spot continues, with the Alaska and San Diego teams trading places numerous times this month. As of this writing (blogging?) the Red Biting Bunnies are nearly at 16,000 miles and the San Diego crew are at just under 15,000. Don't these people have day jobs? Very impressive.

Rounding out the Top 10:

Alaska Tri Club White Wabid Wabbits
Hammerhead Tri Club
DC Tri Club
Buffalo Tri Club (right behind DC)
LA Tri Club
Jet City Tri

A special shout-out to the Tribe team, who are holding onto 8th with only 26 athletes on their team! They have racked up the highest average per-athlete mileage of the bike session (259 per athlete so far). If they had a full team of 75 they would be well out in front right now.

The Bike Session officially ends this Saturday January 31 at one nanosecond past midnight, so keep spinning, pedalling, riding, hammering and logging those miles. Club reps will have extra time to record all the miles put in by their teams, but make sure you get your results in to your club rep as early as possible.


Anonymous said...

What is the deadline for mile submissions? Could you post it to the admin section like you did for swimming?

carbonman said...

The mileage entry deadline will be extended, just like it was for the swim session. Monday at midnight will be the cutoff, so that should give everyone time to log all their club's miles.